Celebrating World Soil Day 2024
World Soil Day is celebrated annually on 5 December. The theme for this year is "Caring for Soils: Measure, Monitor, Manage". It underscores the importance of quality assessed and standardised soil data and information in understanding soils properties and supporting informed decision-making on sustainable soil management for food security and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Or, in more general terms, it supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Addressing the above topics is at the core of the mission of ISRIC – World Soil Information. ISRIC supports the development and use of soil information to address global challenges through capacity strengthening, awareness raising and direct cooperation with users and clients. We do this in collaboration with our valued partners.
Examples of our work published in peer reviewed journals are listed below:
Batjes NH, Calisto L and de Sousa LM 2024. Providing quality-assessed and standardised soil data to support global mapping and modelling (WoSIS snapshot 2023). Earth System Science Data, 4735–4765. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-16-4735-2024
Batjes NH, Ceschia E, Heuvelink GBM, Demenois J, le Maire G, Cardinael R, Arias Navarro C and van Egmond F 2024. Towards a modular, multi-ecosystem Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework for soil organic carbon stock change assessment Carbon Management 15, 2410812. https://doi.org/10.1080/17583004.2024.2410812
Hateffard F, Steinbuch L and Heuvelink GBM 2024. Evaluating the extrapolation potential of random forest digital soil mapping. Geoderma 441, 116740. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706123004172
Turek ME, Poggio L, Batjes NH, Armindo RA, de Jong van Lier Q, de Sousa L and Heuvelink GBM 2023. Global mapping of volumetric water retention at 100, 330 and 15 000 cm suction using the WoSIS database. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 11, 225-239. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095633922000636
Lilburne L, Helfenstein A, Heuvelink GBM and Eger A 2024. Interpreting and evaluating digital soil mapping prediction uncertainty: A case study using texture from SoilGrids. Geoderma 450, 117052. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706124002817
van Leeuwen CCE, Mulder VL, Batjes NH and Heuvelink GBM 2024. Effect of measurement error in wet chemistry soil data on the calibration and model performance of pedotransfer functions. Geoderma 442, 116762. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016706123004391
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