Taking fertilizer recommendations to scale for major crops in West Africa, a proof of concept
Map, graph and table (click on it) giving fertilizer NPK recommendations (fNR, fPR, fKR), and the yield gap exceeding target yield gap (ygap), generalized per country and agroecological zone (AEZ) including probabilities. From: Leenaars et al., 2018. For detailed explanations: see below this page.
Map polygons and labels: country-AEZ’s (e.g. GH165 = Ghana zone with a growing period of 150-180 days)
Map colors (legend) and labels: median value of variable (kg/ha; at 50% probability = calculation1)
Graph lines and colors: country-AEZ’s
Graph x-axis: value of variable (kg/ha; at 0-100% probability)
Graph y-axis: cumulative probability (0-100%)
Table columns: country-AEZ’s
Table rows: cumulative probability (0-100%)
Table cells: value of variable (kg/ha; at 0-100% probability).