Soils4Africa at FNSSA Stakeholder Engagement Week on June 3

Share on: 20 May 2021

On June 3, the Soils4Africa project coordinated by ISRIC – World Soil Information will hold an online webinar to discuss how the project’s soil information system will embed in the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture’s (FNSSA) knowledge platform, an initiative of the African Union-European Union partnership.

The webinar is part of a stakeholder engagement week organized by LEAP4FNSSA, short for Long-term European Union and African Union Research and Innovation Partnership (LEAP) for FNSSA. The objective of LEAP4FNSSA is to provide support for European and African institutions to engage in sustainable partnerships.

"Soils for Africa"

Soils4Africa is a project with 17 European and African partners including the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) who is coordinating the June 3 webinar. These partners are working together to develop and operationalize an open-access Soil Information System (SIS) for Africa. The SIS will contain data underpinned by rigorously selected soil quality indicators and a sound methodology. The datasets will be interoperable with other relevant databases.

The Soils4Africa SIS will have a user-friendly presentation which responds to soil data needs of broad stakeholder groups such as researchers, farmers, other land users, fertilizer manufacturers, extension and advisory service providers, and policymakers, among others.

To learn more about the Soils4Africa June 3 workshop at 11:00 GMT and to register, visit the Soils4Africa website.