ISRIC Report 2005/06: Harmonized Global Soil Resources Database (Final Report)

isric_report_2005_06.pdf (pdf, 256.11 kB)
Year of publication
van Engelen VWP, Batjes NH, Dijkshoorn KDH and Huting JRM
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This document presents a harmonized soil resources database for those areas of the globe were SOTER or similar database were available. For all soil components of the mapping units of these databases, a set of 18 soil parameter estimates has been generated. As most soil components seldom hold all physical and
chemical attribute data required by SOTER, missing data have been filled, using a procedure that used taxo-transfer rules derived from 9600 profiles in the ISRIC-WISE database.
Parameter estimates are presented by soil unit for fixed depths intervals of 0.2 m to 1 m depth for: organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH (H2O), CECsoil, CECclay, base saturation, effective CEC, aluminium saturation, CaCO3 content, gypsum content, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), electrical conductivity of saturated paste (ECe),
bulk density, content of sand, silt and clay, content of coarse fragments (> 2 mm), and available water capacity (-33 to -1500 kPa). Results are presented in a rast
erized version of the geometric database at 5 by 5 arcminutes and a MS Access® database. The latter contains tables with the SOTER unit composition and a
SOTER summary file with the 18 soil parameter estimates for standard depths for all soil components in a SOTER unit.
Keywords: soil parameter estimates, SOTER databases, WISE database.