Course module: Data handling in WoSIS

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Course title: Introduction to databases and WoSIS
Course code:  
Subject areas (Curriculum): Database Design, Data manipulation and access
Duration: 0.5 day
Short description: Module teaches an introduction to databases and general soil database design, outlines problems of data standardisation and harmonisation and concludes with some practical sessions on these issues.
Moderators: TBC
Target audience: MSc and PhD level students working primarily with soil data. DSM teams and project participants.
Requirements: Knowledge of SQL is beneficial


  1. Introduction to relational and spatial databases
  2. Introduction to soil data modeling in databases
  3. WoSIS structure
  4. Practicals for data access query and manipulation


Enable users to understand database usage, design and access

Enable users to understand how soil data is modeled in databases

Software / materials:


Case studies:



WOSIS Presentation:
