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ISRIC participated in a project that aimed to strengthen the rice sector in Surinam.

The project area was in the North-western polders of Nickerie along the Corantijn canal.
ISRIC contributed to the environmental base line inventory for land use and management decision support. One of the products is a suitability map of the MCP polders with land use and management options.

ISRIC also helped to train local staff.

Project partners:
- Plant Research International (PRI)
- Wageningen Universiteit (WU)
- Van Hall – Larenstein (VHL)
- ISRIC – World Soil Information
- Landbouweconomisch Instituut (LEI)
- LEI (Landbouw Anton de Kom Universiteit (AdeKUS), Paramaribo
- ADRON, Anne van Dijk Rijst Onderzoekscentrum, Nickerie
- OW – MCP, Overliggend Waterschap – Multipurpose CorantijnProject (OW-MCP).


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