The Global Environmental Facility (GEF) co-financed GEF-SOC project has developed a generic system that can quantify the potential impact of land use/management and climate scenarios on sequestration of organic carbon in soils at national and sub-national level. The system has been tested in Amazon-Brazil, Jordan, the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India, and Kenya. The GEF-SOC deliverables can be downloaded from the GEF-SOC website and our data hub. The project findings were peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.
The GEF-SOC project was implemented by UNEP and coordinated by The University of Reading (UK). It involved national scientists in Brazil, India, Jordan and Kenya working closely with modellers and data management groups in the United Kingdom, Austria, France, the Netherlands, and the USA. ISRIC's work in the project was funded by the (former) Ministry of VROM. The project ran from June 2002 - July 2005.