Bertin Takoutsing

[2019 -2024/06]

Bertin Takoutsing is an Associate Scientist in Land Health Management, working with the World Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Cameroon. He was a PhD candidate at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), and his doctoral research focused on the application and extension of state-of-the-art digital soil mapping approaches to analyse and quantify the spatial patterns of soil properties while accounting for uncertainty in soil measurements. As part of his PhD, Bertin visited ISRIC for six months in 2019, where he developed his research proposal and acquired additional skills in digital soil mapping techniques. more

Bertin's PhD work was supervised by Gerard Heuvelink (ISRIC and Soil Geography and Landscape group, WU), and Jetse Stoorvogel (Soil Geography and Landscape group, WU) and Ermias Betemariam (World Agroforestry - ICRAF). The collaboration resulted in his thesis, titled "Digital soil mapping using uncertain soil observations to support agricultural intensification in West and Central Africa."

His stay at ISRIC was made possible through a fellowship awarded by the Climate Food and Farming Network (CLIFF) and the Global Research Alliance (GRA).