Validation of newly developed, site-specific multi-nutrient fertiliser products for irrigated rice farming (Sénégal)

Share on: 03 Jun 2019

ISRIC colleague Johan Leenaars will be in St. Louis, Sénégal, from June 9-12 to contribute to the start of an experimental campaign to validate newly developed site-specific, multi-nutrient fertiliser products on 360 farms. These new fertilisers, containing N, P, K, S, Zn, Cu and B, have been produced by OCP Africa for irrigated rice farming in the Senegal river valley and delta in Senegal, and the Office du Niger in Mali.

The new formulas are based on the outcomes of soil-crop-response modelling and mapping using newly collected soil data from the areas of interest. The experimental protocol and the associated logistics for the validation trials, involving 18 extension workers, will be discussed during the session in St. Louis and implemented in the upcoming growing season together with the major stakeholders (OCP Africa, SAED (Société Nationale d'Aménagement et d'Exploitation des terres du Delta et des vallées du fleuve Sénégal), and the ON (Office de Niger, Mali)).