3rd Global Soil Security Conference (Sydney, 4-6 December 2018)

Share on: 04 Dec 2018

In conjunction with World Soil Day (5 December), our colleague Dr Laura Poggio is attending the 3rd Global Soil Security Conference on ‘Soil Security and Planetary Health’ (Sydney, 4-6 December 2018). Laura will be speaking about our recent work on ‘facilitating land capability assessments through automation of the generation of land quality indicators’.

As indicated on the conference website, ‘Soil security is an essential foundation for planetary health because the vast majority of terrestrial biodiversity is found within soil or is reliant on soils and 97% of the world’s food comes from agricultural soils.’ This topic fits well within ISRIC’s mission, ’to serve the international community with quality-assessed information about the world’s soil resources to help addressing major global issues’.

An overview of our collaborative projects related to sustainable land management and Land Degradation Neutrality may be found here.
