Technical Paper 02: The Photography of Soils and Associated Landscapes

Year of publication
Ragg J, Creutzberg D
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Although many agronomists, soil scientists, extension workers and students use photographs of soil profiles and associated environments to illustrate their work, there is little guidance on this subject in the soil science literature. Photographs of good quality are a useful, or essential, part of a pedologist's records and are often needed as visual aids at lectures or for demonstrations. They are also required for publication to supplement descriptive text in order to give the reader the 'feeling' of soils, landscape, agriculture and vegetation.
It is the authors' aim in this paper to provide scientists with a basic knowledge of photography enough advice in order that they may get the best out of their equipment when attempting to portray soils and associated subject matter. The special requirements of the scientific photography of small specimens, thin sections or laboratory environments are not considered in the following pages. Readers who require information of this kind are directed to specialized publications such as those of Blaker (1976 and 1977).