ISRIC Report 2006/03 Extrapolation Study for the Carbon Sequestration Project of Pasture Systems in the American Tropical Forest Ecosystem

isric_report_2006_03.pdf (pdf, 7.51 MB)
Year of publication
Vincent van Engelen, Jan Huting
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This document presents the results of an extrapolation study for the Carbon Sequestration Project (CSEQ) – a research Network for the Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Pasture, Agropastoral and Silvopastoral Systems in the American Tropical Forest Ecosystem.
Research ecosystems of CSEQ are:
• Andean Hillsides, Colombia
• Humid Tropical Forest, Amazonia, Colombia
• Humid Tropical Forest, Atlantic Coast, Costa Rica
• Sub-humid Tropical Forest, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica

Similarity was based on climatic parameters, topography (elevation and slope) and soil conditions. The Length of Growing Period (LGP) is used to characterize the climate conditions of the research sites. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a resolution of 90 m was used to define elevation and slope conditions, while soil characterization
originated from the Soil and Terrain Database of Latin America and the Caribbean (SOTERLAC). Available (sub)continental data allowed only for a low resolution of the maps produced (scale 1:5M).