Soil Video Corner
Videos are a great for learning about a topic in an entertaining and fun way. Organisations and individuals alike have been producing excellent videos on various aspects of soil. Check out the page below to see what we believe are the highlights. And if you know more, please do not hesitate to get in touch!
Tip: Have you also checked out our own videos in the ISRIC Virtual Classroom?
Video categories on this page: Introduction to soils | Soil functions and threats | Soil and land management | Other
Introduction to Soils
Let’s Talk About Soil
This animated film tells the reality of soil resources around the world, covering the issues of degradation, urbanization, land grabbing and overexploitation.
Duration: 5:24 min
Producer: IASS Potsdam
Other languages: Spanish | Portuguese | French | German | Arabic
What Is Soil?
Short interviews with scientists on what soil actually is.
Duration: 2:17 min
Producer: European Environmental Agency (EEA)
Soil 101
An animated introduction to soils functions and threats.
Duration: 2:28 min
Producer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Year of Soils: Treasuring Our Forgotten Natural Resources
This animated video sounds an alarm on the practices that contribute to a deteriorating level of soil on our planet
Duration: 1:29 min
Producer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Global Soil Partnership (GSP)
Soil functions and threats
The Value of Soil
This film depicts the value of productive land in provision of ecosystem services and goes on to show the current rapid depletion of this valuable non-renewable resource.
Duration: 4:45 min
Producer: Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative
Other languages: Spanish | Portuguese | French | German | Russian
Soil: An Essential Ingredient to Healthy Food and Nutrition
Description: The role of soils in global food security.
Duration: 3:07 min
Producer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Soils: Our Ally Against Climate Change
How sustainable soil management benefits the global climate
Duration: 2:30 min
Producer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Soils Host a Quarter of Our Planet’s Biodiversity
Soils contains a myriad of organisms which interact and contribute to the global cycles that make all life possible.
Duration: 1:14 min
Producer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Soil and land management
Sustainable soil management: A major step in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Animated movie on how soils contribute to the UN sustainable development Goals.
Duration: 3:55 min
Producer: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Building resilience -- people with greener land
This video shows us why strengthening the resilience to drought and disaster through sustainable land management is key for sustainable development.
Duration: 6:25 min
Producer: World Catalogue of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT)
Land Degradation Neutral World
Introduction to pressures on land, and how a land degradation neutral world can help to protect and restore our land-based ecosystems.
Duration: 1:50 min
Producer: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Hannes Reuter explains how the GlobalSoilMap team is creating digital soil property maps, important for assuring food security.
Producer: ISRIC - World Soil Information; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ); Deutsche Welle (2012)
Bioturbation – Worms at Work
Time lapse movie showing the mixing of soil (bioturbation) by 3 earthworms species
Duration: 1:57 min
Producer: I.M. Lubbers & J.W. van Groenigen, Department of Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University & Research
Dig it! The Secrets of Soil
Video documentation of a travelling exhibit on soils
Duration: 47:19 min
Producer: Soil Science Society of America (SSSA)