D G (David)
D G (David)
My main research interest is soil geography: why soils are where they are and how to efficiently map them. I retired from University of Twente (NL) Faculty ITC in August 2014 after 17 years service and was invited to join ISRIC as an in-house strategic consultant and occasional research collaborator. At the same time I am an Adjunct Professor at Cornell University (New York, USA), where I teach a one-semester graduate course in spatial modelling for agronomic, natural resources and environmental issues, and serve on graduate student committees. I also have worked several months each year since 2012 in China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Soil Science Institute Nanjing (Prof. Zhang Gan-Lin) and from 2015-2023 lecturing one month in the geography group at Nanjing Normal University (Prof. Zhu A-Xing). I am an Associate Editor of the European Journal of Soil Science, and on the editorial board of Geoderma, CATENA and Soil Security. I have consulted for the FAO and recently for CIMMYT's "Cereal Systems in South Asia" project.