Technical Paper 03: A new suction apparatus for mounting clay speciments on small-size porous plates for X-ray diffraction

Year of publication
van Reeuwijk LP
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In X-ray diffraction analysis of clay samples, suction-on-porous plate facilitates a convenient and rapid mounting of oriented specimens. Procedures were described by Kinter & Diamond (1956), Dtimmler & Schroeder (1965), Rich (1969) and Shaw(1972). Gibbs (1965) found that specimens made by this procedure compared well with specimens made by some other techniques. However they used only large plates(about 50 mm x 30 mm x 5 mm). A new suction device was designed as the technique is eminently suitable for routine analysis (no centrifugal rinse is needed) and as some of the recently introduced automatic diffractometer sample changers can only hold much smaller specimens. The device described here is for porous plates of size18 mm x 14 mm x 1.9 mm as used in the Philips PW 1170 sample changer but can just as well be made to accept plates of other seizes.