ISRIC Report 2007/07 (GLADA report 1e): Land Degradation and Improvement in Senegal.

isric_report_2007_07.pdf (pdf, 3.13 MB)
Year of publication
ZG Bai, DL Dent
Document tags
1. Land degradation is a global environment and development issue.
2. Land degradation and improvement is inferred from long-term trends of productivity when other factors that may be responsible (climate, soil, terrain and land use) are accounted for.
3. In Senegal over the period of 1981-2003, net primary productivity increased slightly overall. Degrading areas, suffering declining climate-adjusted NPP, occupy 18 per cent of the
country, mostly in Casamance.
4. About 2.1 million people (21per cent of the Senegalese) live in the degrading areas.
5. Land improvement, defined by increase of NPP, RUE and EUE, is identified across 37 per cent of the country.

Key words: land degradation/improvement, remote sensing, NDVI, rain-use efficiency, net
primary productivity, landuse/cover, Senegal