ISRIC signed a cooperative agreement with Chinese IARRP/CAAS

Share on: 19 Jan 2017

ISRIC – World Soil Information signed an agreement with the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IARRP/CAAS), to cooperate in research and innovation on cultivated land quality conservation and novel fertilizers.

Land quality of arable land in China is severly affected by pollution and imbalanced input of nutrients in soils. To restore land quality, in May 2016, the  China State Council issued the ‘Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan’ (“Soil Ten Plan”) to safeguard the country's food safety and create a healthy living environment.

IARRP is to establish a national research and innovation centre for 'cultivated land quality conservation and novel fertilizers' in Beijing. In ths context IARPP is looking for international cooperation. The agreement with ISRIC includes exchange of researchers and students, training, joint research and project acquisition, and  co-organization of workshops, seminars or conferences.