Towards Integrated Soil Management

LeisaTowIntegrSoilMan.pdf (pdf, 546.74 kB)
Year of publication
Sjef Kauffman
One of the first activities of the ILEIA collaborated research programme in the Philippines, Ghana, and Peru was the characterisation and evaluation of soils in six research sites
by farmers and soil scientists. ISRIC sub-contracted three national soil institutions in Ghana, Philippines and Peru (see below), to work in close cooperation with farmers
and NGOs in the pilot areas on this task. The comparison and integration of views held by farmers and scientists about the soils was a major part of the project.
The objective was to contribute to a participatory process aimed at solving soil-related production constraints in farming. The soil study proceeded from the following questions:
- Is it possible to correlate farmers (indigenous) soil knowledge with formal soil science?
- How do farmers manage their various soils to produce crops?
- How are farmers dealing with soil-related production constraints/ limitations?
- Is there a LEISA solution for land threatened by the degradation causedby present-day land uses?