World Soil Day: ISRIC attends SOPHIE side event at EU INSPIRATION conference

Share on: 04 Dec 2017

This year’s World Soil Day is devoted to the topical research needs for soil and land use. ISRIC director Rik van den Bosch will attend the SOPHIE side event at INSPIRATION in Brussels (Dec. 6, 2017). During this side event participants will discuss the way forward concerning access to reliable soil hydrophysical data with a view to reach commitment on harmonisation, standardisation and innovation. The ultimate objective is to set up international collaboration on soil hydrophysical data. Such work is complementary to ISRIC’s activities on soil data collation, standardisation, harmonisation and the ultimate distribution of quality-assessed soil data to the world community.

The focus of INSPIRATION, an EU H2020 CSA project, is on current state-of-the-art and pressing gaps in European research on land and soils from the perspectives of policy makers, funders, end-users of research, and scientists (more…).